
Doing Keto Right - Fats, Snacks, Maintenance - Healthy Ketogenic Diet

Doing Keto Right - Fats, Snacks, Maintenance - Healthy Ketogenic Diet If you are going to do Keto, do Keto right. But what does that actually mean? So many different sources give such different advice. How do you know what is good advice and what is someone trying to push an aganda?

What is ironic is that Keto has been around for so many years and is not something that you can sell (although everyone wants to find a way to sell it). Keto is not a diet plan, it is a way of life. When you understand that piece of information, everything else become obvious.

The truth is, doing keto correctly involves understanding what you are trying to accomplish. When you get that, everything else is simple.

The quality of the food is your choice. Home cooked vs restaurant is your choice. More vegetables vs near carnivore is your choice. Publicly done vs privately done is your choice. In the end, what foods you eat is your choice. Before you began a keto lifestyle, you were not beholden to anyone for the choices you were making and while you do keto, you are not responsible to anyone else.

When you truly understand how to do a ketogenic lifestyle, so what will allow you to be in ketosis, you will make decisions about your food to be in line with that choice. At that point, your lifestyle, financial situation, and commitment to your health will determine how you live your ketogenic life.

Those with more money may decide to do organic and grass fed. Those with an active lifestyle may decide to eat out more often. Those who want to help family and friends live a healthy way of life may be vocal about their food choices.

At the end of the day, all of these choices are only relevant if you are in a ketogenic state. And to accomplish ketosis, there is only one thing that you "have" to do. That is eat a small enough amount of carbs to allow your body to turn to fat for fuel. And guess what, that number is also your choice. You can decide to be closer to your max (most doctors believe that is around 20 grams of carbs per day) or closer to your minimum (0 grams per day). All up to you.

How do you do keto right? By keeping yourself in ketosis. Every other question is a matter of choices and leveling up on health. Eating higher quality food will not put you in ketosis but it will help you to build a better quality body. That is a separate question.

Health and happiness take work. Make working on it part of your daily routine.

Thank you for watching!

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PS. When I began my journey to solve my hip issue, I did a lot of research to find answers to my hip inflammation. I realize, that there may be people who do not know how to find a mentor for weight loss and especially, finding the right mentor for weight loss. I really hope that these videos help you to see that my goal is to be that right mentor for weight loss. Because I will continually do the research necessary to give you the most up to date information that I have.

Please keep in mind that these videos are for educational purposes. I encourage everyone who wants to take action to find a psychologist to work with. Working with a psychologist is not only more efficient, but also keep in mind that a psychologist is trained to help people solve problems.

Any product links are Amazon Associate Links unless specifically stated. Purchases made through these links will result in commissions to support the production of future videos.

#wellnesswarriors #healthyketogenicdiet #healthandwellness #ketogenicdiet #keto

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