Believe me, I have no sympathy for Ilhan Omar. Her anti-Semitic tweets were enough... her promotion of sharia was a betrayal of the USA who gracefully took her in as a refugee and gave her the freedom to rise to power as a Congresswoman was the icing that made me despise her. Now, thanks to her love of Sharia, she is sentenced to death, according to Islam. Facing death, she may as well abandon the ideology that wants to kill her and join American patriots in the fight for freedom in the best nation that has ever existed. This is what I present in this video. Cheers everyone, and best of luck to Congresswoman Omar. Love always, Julie
PS: YT will copyright strike me for using the Wheatus dirtbag song... but huge shoutout to Wheatus, who were and awesome part of the beloved 1990's I grew up in.
PPSS: Also, I doubt Ilhan Omar will actually leave Islam... this is my wishful thinking at play... but if I managed to show even one person the reality of sharia, it's a win in my book.