
Monthly Documents That I Write - September 2019 (Personal Videos #14)

Monthly Documents That I Write - September 2019 (Personal Videos #14) I apologize to those who thought I was going to talk about the biggest moments in my life. That personal video will be next weekend.

In this video I show the viewer the 6 documents that I create each month: things that worry me / current problems , things that annoy me, things that I'm happy about / excited for, things I need to pay for, a list of new things to self-improve on, and a motivation document.

I'm hoping that everyone enjoys this somewhat different video. I also would want to make it every month so that I can cover topics that I would have made videos on.

monthly documents,Macbook Pages,Pages document,motivation,self-improve,self-improvement,things that annoy me,things I'm worried about,things I'm excited for,grad school,high school,high school teacher,biology,to-do list,Google Calendar,health insurance,fantasy football,affirmations,

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