
My mum made a housekeeper out of me and forbade me to go to school

My mum made a housekeeper out of me and forbade me to go to school Hi everyone. Today Ann tell her story how her eyes opened and how her mum used her.
"My mum’s got sex appeal. Men feast their eyes on her. But she's very tough. So men don't stay long with her. I've never seen my dad. But at 13, I've met lots of other «dads».
We never had our own house. Yeah, my mum had an upscale job and she tried to pick up a wealthy lover. She worked as a secretary in a big company. But we were not enough with the money. That's why we lived like nomads. As long as I remember, Mum started dating someone and then, we moved to this «someone». I'd to call this «someone» Daddy. In between men, we lived with Sarah. She's my mum's friend.
When I was a kid, I thought everyone lived like this. When we moved into a new house, I was to clean, cook, iron and wash. Mum only cared about her looks. And men... Well, they needed comfort if there's a woman at home. So mum gave them comfort, using my hands.
The first week I studied very well. But then, mum overloaded me with the housekeeping. I didn't have time to go to school. So I decided to quit. I was in the «idiots class» anyway. Things couldn't get any worse. And mum didn't mind. She just added some more work. So I was working like Cinderella. Cleaning, cooking…
A couple of weeks later, someone knocked at our door. It was my form master. She wondered where I was all this time and why I didn't attend lessons. I explained. I think she was kinda taken aback. And she started scolding my mum. Mum flipped her off. But I started thinking.
The teacher said the right thing. I'm a kid! Why should I serve my mum and her men? Why doesn't anyone think about my future? Mum doesn't care about me at all? Really? I recalled even my new classmates' 'rents led them to school by the hand. One dad even sat with his kid in the classroom, helping him to study. And in my previous schools, kids complained their 'rents daggled them to tutors and constantly did homework with them.
So, I made the conclusion. Mum doesn't care about me. At all. She doesn't care if I'm studying or if I'm alive. She wants only some food and the housed cleaned. I'm a free of charge housekeeper. I came up to her and told her what I thought. She just laughed. She said she was dressing and feeding me. So I had to work. But I knew I was right.
I had a dream. Sarah, mum's friend, was an actress in the local theater. Of course, it wasn’t an upscale one, but still, so beautiful! The stage, parts, beautiful dresses... Once, I saw it and... I totally fell in love with it! But who'd let me «waste my time» on drama classes?
Anyway, after talking to the teacher, my mum got scared. I was kicked to school at least three times a week. Our class happened to put up a play. Quite a simple one, with minimum words. But I took part there too. I've got one of the main parts (as I was able to learn more than 2 lines). It was like a dream coming true.
I dived into my playing part. Everyone was so surprised - from the schoolmaster to the mouse in the pet's corner. The teacher praised me. She said my talent shone that day. But I was upset. Because who would give me a chance to develop it? To me, a girl with just a certificate from the correction class? Mum wouldn’t let me do it. She wouldn’t give me any money.
Suddenly, I got the help. From Sarah. She watched the video with the play. My teacher sent the video to my memory stick. Someone of the 'rents had shot it. Sarah said hiding such light under a bushel is a crime! But how to convince mum? Aunt Sarah tried to talk to her. But mum yelled at her and kicked her out".

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