
Our BIGGEST Mistake Yet!

Our BIGGEST Mistake Yet! It's demo day! As crazy as it sounds, we are actually going to cut a huge hole in the side of the house we are building. A new dormer is in the works! This dormer will be the main entrance to the house and also include the stairs that lead up to the loft.
We really regret not putting this dormer in at the same time that we put the other two in but hind sight is 20/20. We were quickly heading into winter as we were finishing up the second dormer and decided the safest route for us at that time was to get the roof on to not only protect the house from winter weather but to also give us a "plan B" in the event that we couldn't make it through the coldest part of the year in the RV. Had we known winter in the RV would be doable, we would have gone ahead and put this 3rd dormer in.... but we didn't, so now we are paying the price and doing extra work. The plan is to tear it down, frame it up and close it back in really quickly. Follow along and see if all goes according to plan!

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