
Toddler's heartbreaking words after watching dad beat mum

Toddler's heartbreaking words after watching dad beat mum Mum-of-two Jemma Palmer has revealed the toll of witnessing violent abuse has had on her toddler son Archie. Heartbroken Jemma suffered a horror attack at the hands of ex-boyfriend Gareth Ralph which left her with a fractured jaw, haemorrhaged eye, cut lip and bruising. The attack was witnessed by Archie, the couple’s son, who wet himself in fright and walked around saying “daddy bashed mummy” in the days following. Ralph’s violent outrage, sparked by a comment a stranger made on the bus, handed him 18 months in prison for his crime – which Jemma claims is not enough. Jemma said: “It should have been five years at least. “He left me for dead and he did it all in front of our son. “Archie kept walking around saying ‘daddy bashed mummy’ and I can’t sleep because of the mental impact. “I have to live with this for the rest of my life and yet he will be out in nine months. Mum-of-two Jemma explained the attack, which happened on August 9, broke out after a man made a pass at her on the bus and offered to take her for a drink. She said: “I just laughed and said ‘oh not tonight - maybe another night- but I obviously didn’t mean it. “I’m a jokey kind of person and it was just a comment on the bus.” Unbeknown to Jemma, the comment infuriated Ralph and he would soon unleash his rage. She said: “I was going to get Archie’s pyjamas, Ralph turned to me and said, ‘Why don’t you go s*** that guy’ from the bus. “I told him to stop being silly and he said to me, you’ve never had a good beating before, have you? “I said ‘I beg your pardon’ and then he knocked me to the floor and put both of his hands around my neck and started pushing on my windpipe. “All I could think was that he was going to kill me. “I managed to grab the landline but he took it off me, removed the batteries and threw them on the floor. “He told me I wasn’t going to call the police and then started punching me in the face.” As a result of the attack, Jemma suffered a fractured jaw, a cut lip, severe bruising and a haemorrhage in her eye. Opticians have even told the mum the damage to her eye is so severe it will eventually cause her eye sight to deteriorate. After the beating, Ralph left the house and hid her mobile phone. She said: “Of course I wish more than anything my son hadn’t been there to see it all, but it’s because of him I came around. “It was him screaming mummy at me that caused me to wake up and get help. “I kept trying to hide my face so he wouldn’t see the injuries but he had already wet himself because he was so scared.” Ralph was remanded in custody the following day after hiding out at a relative’s house. At the hearing on September 9, Ralph was handed a 18-month sentence and a three-year restraining order, which will be implemented after his release. Of his sentence, Jemma said: “It’s not good enough, how can anyone do that in front of their son? “We had only been back together for a couple of months.


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