
White Refined Cane Sugar ICUMSA 45 (Fit For Human Consumption)

White Refined Cane Sugar ICUMSA 45 (Fit For Human Consumption) SPECIFICATIONS
Polarization: At 20°C 99.80% minimum
Ash content: 0.04% max by dry weight
Solubility: 100% Dry and Free Flowing
Colour: Crystal Sparkling White. Maximum 45 Icumsa.
Attenuation Index: ICUMSA Maximum 45 (Brazil scale) Attenuation Index Units (ICUMSA Method No # 4- 1978).
Radiation: As per International Standards, without any cesium or iodine (certificate)
Granulation: Fine to medium
Magnetic Particles: MG/KG 4 Max.
ASH BY ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY:0.04%Max.[On dry weight basis]
SO2: MG/KG 20 Max.
Sediments: None
Reducing Sugar: 0.05% max by weight
HPN Graph Aureus: Nil
Maximum AS: 1 P.P.M.
Maximum PS: 2 P.P.M.
Maximum CU: 3 P.P.M.
Substance: Solid Crystal
Poisonous: Phytosanitary Certificate of no radiation, no virus, no insect parts, no poisonous matter and nongenetic, fit for human consumption
Crop: 2017 or later.

White Refined Cane Sugar ICUMSA 45,sugar,icumsa,icumsa 45,

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