While a comprehensive hearing evaluation with an Audiologist or Board-Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist should be your first thought if you are experiencing Hearing Loss, not all hearing or ear related issues can be addressed by these types of providers. That's why there are 8 Red Flags indicated by the FDA that should trigger a referral to a licensed physician, preferably an Otolaryngologist (aka ENT).
Red Flag #1 - Visible congenital or traumatic deformity of the ear.
Red Flag #2 - History of active drainage from the ear within the past 90 days.
Red Flag #3 - History of Sudden or Rapidly progressive hearing loss within the previous 90 days.
Red Flag #4 - Acute or Chronic Dizziness.
Red Flag #5 - A Unilateral Hearing Loss of Sudden or Recent onset within the previous 90 days
Red Flag #6 - Audiometric Air-Bone Gap equal to or greater than 15 decibels at 500Hz, 1,000Hz, and 2,000 Hz.
Red Flag #7 - Visible evidence of significant cerumen accumulation or a foreign body in the ear canal.
Red Flag #8 - Pain or Discomfort in the ear.