
'A Man Of God Should Be Dedicated Wholly To The Service Of God'

'A Man Of God Should Be Dedicated Wholly To The Service Of God'

37 If that isn’t kind of an example of too many today! Even we find it amongst our—our—our Christian leaders. They work all their life, nearly, to become some bishop or some great influential man, and, as soon as they get to that spot, they get lifted up. We find evangelists in the field, that God blessed their ministry, and, the first thing, they become lifted up till they get to a spot that they feel that—that they’re secured, all around their—their people. They’re just…They’ve reached that place to where they can do anything they want to, and get by with it.

38 How many, wonder, we’re thinking of just now, of great men, great servants, who God has used, and finally comes to a place till they feel that they know so much about the Word of God, till they don’t even have that time off to pray no more. It’s always social visits, visit somebody, go out to dinner. And the time that they should be spending with God, alone, alone in preparing to come out in the sweetness of the Spirit, before the congregation, they’re out somewhere with some entertainments. You can’t serve God and man at the same time. God’s servant should be an isolated person, to Him only. If we could only let the people see that.

39 And then they—they get to a place they make themselves under obligation, as they meet the people. They meet the people, and there is bound to be a want for this and a want for that. And then the man of God gets his mind all tore up, and he is so tore up when he goes to his room. He begins to study, “Now if I don’t do this, this man will feel bad about it. And this, don’t do this, this man will feel bad about it.” And then when he walks out to the platform, he hardly knows where he is standing, his mind is all tore up, when he ought to have spent that time with God. They’re not social leaders. A man of God should be dedicated wholly to the service of God. And we find that that’s too—too bad that we have it.
63-1130B - Influence
Rev. William Marrion Branham

William Marrion Branham,Joseph Marrion Branham,Billy Paul Branham,William Branham London,William Branham Canada,Zoe Tabernacle de France,Agapao Press,Lifoko du ciel,Nathan Epenge,Jean Mbaya,Neville Kanono,Isaac Bukasa,

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