
ARN #3: 'My Spot' promo

ARN #3: 'My Spot' promo Arn had enjoyed fifteen years in the ring but by late 1996, his body was telling him something had to change. Today, for the first time ever, Arn details when he knew he had a problem, who in WCW made him take the next steps to get healthy, what the surgery entailed, the recovery process, who he credits his recovery to, his plans to come back, when he realized those plans changed, what his friends and family were thinking, how he broke the news to the "office," how the "retirement speech" on Nitro came together, what was "real" backstage about Curt Hennig, the reaction from the boys backstage after the famous speech, how he felt about the tribute from all of the wrestlers during the following Nitro, when he knew about the parody, who was with him when he saw the parody, whether or not he refused to participate in angle after the parody, whether or not he had a conversation with Nash that night, what was said, who else may have been the "brains" behind the parody, when were they addressed and what was said, how his family and friends felt about the parody, what Arn had an issue with, and of course the night the Horsemen battled the nWo in War Games in Winston-Salem, when he found out about Curt turning, and so much more. Don't miss ARN setting the record straight about "MY SPOT," the parody, and the fall out this week on Westwood One!

Nobody had a career like Arn Anderson. For more than three decades he has been the epitome of “old school.” Hear him as you’ve never heard him before every Tuesday at 6am Eastern as you gives you a peak behind the curtain for the first time ever. Each week Conrad Thompson will examine Arn’s days in the territories, becoming an Anderson, creating the Four Horsemen in the NWA, becoming a Hall of Famer, and being a producer behind the scenes for years for WWE proving “The Enforcer” has a story unlike anyone else. Known for his trademark Spinebuster and incredible “promos” in front of the camera, it’s his timing and wit that has kept “the boys” in stitches behind the scenes. Hear for yourself why ARN is the new “symbol of excellence” in professional wrestling podcasting exclusively on Westwood One Podcast Network, Tuesdays at 6am Eastern.

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