
First Frost: A chance to learn from the landscape

First Frost: A chance to learn from the landscape
It's moving towards fall in a real way where we live. Having a first light frost has always been a wonderful opportunity to embrace the seasonal change and learn as much as possible from it. The areas that get deeply frosted, the areas that get no frost, the in-between zones... Why does one area get a thick frost and some other areas spared? Thermal mass from buildings, protection from wind, a canopy overhead to block the descending cold, deep mulches holding in the warmth of the soil below. So many subtle things happening in the landscape. Frost can be a great chance to have a visible snapshot of the dynamics of temperatures in your landscape...

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Edible Acres is a full service permaculture nursery located in the Finger Lakes area of NY state. We grow all layers of perennial food forest systems and provide super hardy, edible, useful, medicinal, easy to propagate, perennial plants for sale locally or for shipping around the country…
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We also offer consultation and support in our region or remotely.
Happy growing!

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