Besides, up-till-date our curriculum does not cover the seven invasions of Kemet, the trans-Atlantic slave trade and how it wrecked the society and economy of Africa. Also, the effects of colonisation were not a part of our academic endeavour. The structural adjustment programme (SAP) of the IMF and the World Bank and its effect on devaluing our currencies was never talked about in the classrooms. A Phenomenon that allows for the cheap carting away of our precious resources. In addition. the further illegal draining of our resources from land taken from our forefathers is never spoken about in our textbooks.
Presently, the constant brain drain is not talked about and nothing is been taught in schools to remedy this. Our government have resigned to being puppets of the west. So my question now is; what would the average African do? He/she will always be seen as lazy until those in charge of the resources are ready to build, teach, employ, create and manage our own businesses and resources. Like I normally say, only Africans can solve Africa's problems. Thanks.