
Panama's Beauty #5 a Happy place ... Romantic & Blessed!

Panama's Beauty #5 a Happy place ... Romantic & Blessed! Panama's Beauty #5 is full of Exquisite Eye-Candy - Yes, Panama is " a Happy Place ... Romantic & Blessed" In this video, once again we showcase Panama the way we see it as ex-pats that moved here 14 years ago ... the places we visit and live in. People are astounded at how much Beauty is crammed into Panama, and also at how advanced and prosperous it is - and it's affordable and not over-run by tourists, like Europe and so many other places! Here, if you sight-see on weekdays when Panamanians are at work, you'll have these beautiful places all to yourself. I remember when we lived in Calgary, AB, Canada and used to vacation in Hawaii in the winters, I'd admire the tourist brochures of beautiful waterfalls with a young couple swimming in them - all alone ... only to get there and find tour-buses parked there with 100's of people all over every square inch (it seemed) of these natural beauty spots. Then I'd sigh, take a few photos of the waterfall - which always ended up full of people taking photos of it too, and then drive us all off to the beach - which was also jam packed! Well, we sold our place in Princeville Kauai (site of the movie "I'm going to wash that man right out of my hair - Bali Ha'i) and later moved to Panama, buying a place inside of a National park in the Mountains above the city (1 hour away) and enjoy 65-75 deg F temps year round + flowers, birds, butterflies and greenery, year round too! For 14 years and counting we've had waterfalls and their pools, and beautiful beaches, all to ourselves. Will that change? I don't think so - we're off the beaten path in Panama, and only the fortunate few will find this Paradise we call our "Pandora" and get to enjoy the places we take you to in these videos. So sit back and relax - and if you're at least a bit curious, you'll be rewarded by what's best described as "Dream-like places" - only they're all very real ... but don't tell too many folks now, just keep it to yourself!

Anyone who's read the Africa's Snow-White novels, will understand why this video, featuring just one of Panama's many beautiful waterfalls and pools, is so meaningful. In 2006, after 50yrs of living in Africa and N. America, we eloped (again) For 14y we've lived a wonder-filled life in Panama. Time to share Panama's beauty with others who'd never have guessed what's to be found here! This is the 5th of 21 videos (10 more will soon be ready to publish) that showcase the poignant beauty of Panama - which few people know much about or have ever even visited. Sit back, relax and enjoy the eye-candy as we take you to various places all over Panama. Remember to SUBSCRIBE so you'll not miss any other new Videos - COMING SOON!

Often people say "I'd like a Fairy-tale life!" But they forget, fairy-tales aren't easy-going, cozy little stories -they're sad, dangerous, tough stories, but fortunately they have happy endings ... So too did ours. For that we're truly grateful and we both thank God, often!

😎OCT-2019: Download e-BOOK PDFs of the NOVELS, FREE at: 😎
💞It's OK to start reading from Book6 (It's a much more adult love-story)💞


It took 7 years to finish these novels ...
mind you, it took 7yrs + 7mo till they got married!💖

💞Books 1-5 are the Teenage/High-school Romances (Back-story, cute & Innocent)💞


Also, here's links to our other Youtube Videos, from our Panama Channel:

Panama's Beauty #1:

Panama's Beauty #2:

Panama's Beauty #3:

Panama's Beauty #4:

Panama's Beauty #7:

Panama's Beauty #10:

Panama's Beauty #11:

Panama's Beauty #12:

Panama's Beauty #13

Panama's Beauty #14:

Panama,Panama papers,Waterfalls,Beaches,Islands,Tropical,Beauty,Love story,Romance,

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