
Typically, ABC News neglects to mention the Islamic motive behind the latest French terror attack.

Typically, ABC News neglects to mention the Islamic motive behind the latest French terror attack. Naturally, no image was shown by ABC News, and the most important detail of all - the actual motive for the crime - Islam - was completely omitted. So much for the ABC’s boast of ‘reporting without fear or favour’.
The following was completely missing from any of the ABC News coverage of this attack. This information comes courtesy of The Wall Street Journal:
"While away from the office, Mickaël Harpon, a 45-year-old convert to Islam, had begun dressing in more religious garb and established ties with followers of Salafism, a fundamentalist strain of Islam, according to prosecutors. At work, he appeared to avoid physical contact with women, colleagues would later tell prosecutors."
Just add it to the ABC’s long and cowardly list of providing cover for Islam.
In this report, “hostile organisations” is used to describe Islamic terror groups - see 0:20:
*The phrase "extremist ideologies" was used in this report to describe Islamic extremists - see 0:55:
*Here police and media farcically label Islamic terrorists "fixated persons":
*Here the familiar phrases "militants" and "extremists" were used interchangeably by the ABC to describe the latest atrocity by notorious Islamic terror group Boko Haram:
*In this report about a new terror prison for NSW, guess which terror group is the only one mentioned? If by some chance you happened to guess the IRA, you'd be right:
*Here, over four nights of coverage of the 2017 Islamic terror attack in Barcelona which killed 14 people, the ABC's only reference to Islam was a single mention of Islamic State. Were it not for Islam in the title of this self-named terror group, many of the ABC's other reports dealing with Islamic terrorism would be entirely Islam-free:
Here Islamists massacre 70 Christians at an Easter picnic in Pakistan - no mention of Islam:
*Three nights of ABC coverage of the 2015 Kenyan massacre in which 147 people were killed by Islamist gunmen - no mention of Islam:
*In this two-night ABC report on the tenth anniversary of the 2005 London bombings which resulted in the death of over 50 people - no mention of Islam:
*In a report on gay pride marches that took place across the United States on the first anniversary of the Islamist attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando Florida which left 49 people dead, the only "threat" mentioned was Donald Trump:
*Here the ABC reports on the "hundreds of women killed every year in Pakistan" as a result of Islamic honour killings - no mention of Islam.
*A guy walks into a Melbourne bank and tries to blow himself up severely burning several bystanders - the guy's name and religion were one and the same - as such, the ABC mentioned neither:
*A report on the oppression of women in devoutly Islamic Pakistan - absurdly no mention is made of the number one instrument of repression - Islam:
*And in even more devout Saudi Arabia the repression of women was blamed on the country's "deeply conservative" society:
*No mention of Islam in this ABC News report on an Anzac Day Islamic terror plot:
*Only the ABC could do a story on Pakistan's Asia Bibi's horrific blasphemy ordeal without mentioning Islam:
*The "extremists" who very nearly ignited a war between two nuclear powers, but naturally, the ABC won't tell you what kind:
*Here cowardly generic terms are used to provide cover for the Islamists responsible for the 2019 Easter massacre in Sri Lanka:
*Here, again, only the cowardly acronym IS is used - once - and that's it:
*Another 'report' on the London Bridge terror attack - this time there's not even the use of acronyms - there's no reference to Islam whatsoever:
*Islamist group in Somalia kills in the name of Islam, and typically, ABC News omits any reference to Islamic motive:
*The ABC's third report on the London Bridge Islamic terror attack inquest without mentioning Islam.
*This wasn't actually an Islamic terror attack, however, the killer is clearly heard yelling Allahu akbar, which ABC News refuses to report:


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