
Found Flat Screen TV, Computer, & Bullets Underwater While Scuba Diving In Rushing River!!

Found Flat Screen TV, Computer, & Bullets Underwater While Scuba Diving In Rushing River!! Well I may have strained my back pulling that thing out but I owe a huge thank you to Jeremy with Exploring with Nug!
Jeremy's Awesome Channel--

Hope you guys enjoyed todays episode! The air temperature was 37 degrees Fahrenheit when we got in! It was a little chilly to say the least. But the wetsuits did their job and I had a blast scuba diving and hunting river treasure with my dive buddy Jeremy!! I love you guys! Thanks for tuning in!! Thursdays video may or may not have a rifle!!

Found flat screen tv in drained river,found tv in river,found flat screen tv while urban treasure hunting,flat screen tv,found,swimming,searching for lost valuables,treasure hunting,hunting,treasure,river treasure,exploring,swimming in rushing river,swimming in generating river,rushing river,scuba diving strong current,scuba diving river,exploring urban river,exploring underwater,exploring urban waterways,found computer underwater,

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