Featuring a 2003 Dennis Sabre and 2001 Volvo FL6 from the Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service (TWFRS), and a Poppy liveried Mercedes Sprinter Ambulance from the North East Ambulance Service (NEAS).
0:00 - TWFRS Farringdon's Second Pump responding to a fire in the open.
0:41 - TWFRS Farringdon's First Pump turnout in a reserve RETRO 2001 Volvo FL6 Fire Engine on TWO TONES!
1:23 - TWFRS Byker's Reserve Dennis Sabre Second Pump responding to a bonfire out of control.
2:55 - Firefighters operate at the scene of a fire in a building while fireworks explode in the sky.
3:09 - TWFRS Sunderland Central's Volvo & Dennis Pumps turnout to a high-rise fire call in the city centre.
4:51 - Fire engines on scene of a fire call in a Sunderland apartment block.
5:17 - More fireworks explode over the City of Newcastle.
5:40 - TWFRS Byker's Volvo and Dennis Sabre appliances turning out to a fire in an apartment block just around the corner.
7:35 - Firefighters from Byker operate at the scene of the fire.
7:42 - TWFRS Colby Court's Targeted Response Vehicle (TRV) responding to a small fire in the Arthurs Hill area.
8:24 - NEAS 2X Mercedes Sprinter Ambulances Responding with Poppy livery.
9:14 - TWFRS Colby Court's Second Pump turnout to a fire in the open
10:16 - TWFRS Gateshead's First Pump turnout and responding.
11:42 - Pumps from Sunderland onscene of a fire call in the city.
12:01 - TWFRS Byker's Pump turnout towards Byker village.
12:20 - NEAS Responding in a sudden downpour of rain in Gateshead.
12:55 - NEAS Sprinter Responding in heavy rain.
13:39 - TWFRS VERY OLD Volvo FL6 Training pump leaving Gateshead Fire station.
14:02 - NEAS Sprinter Responding and tuning off.
A special thanks to the Tyne and Wear Fire & Rescue Service for their tireless work over the busiest night of the year!
Thanks for watching!
Newcastle & Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, UK.
(C) DEV 2019