
Point-in-Time Count Methodology Office Hours: October 2019

Point-in-Time Count Methodology Office Hours: October 2019 The October 2019 Point-in-Time (PIT) Count Methodology office Hours call focused on reminders for Joint TH/RRH recipients and Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) recipients in preparation for the 2020 PIT count and Housing Inventory Count (HIC):
• Joint TH/RRH Recipients: CoCs funded by HUD with these projects should report these grants on the HIC by entering two separate projects — one for TH and one for RRH. Inventory reported under each project should reflect the inventory available for use if TH and in use if RRH on the night of the count. This year, to indicate that these are joint TH/RRH grants, CoCs must select the new funding source option HUD: CoC – Joint Component TH/RRH in response to the HUD McKinney-Vento Funded question for each project. The new, single funding source option in the 2020 HMIS Data Standards replaces the instruction to select two separate funding sources for each component.
• YHDP Recipients: CoCs with HUD-funded YHDP grants should report them based on the project type identified for each project in e-snaps. For example, if a YHDP recipient was funded for a host home program identified with a TH project type then it will be included in the HIC as a TH project and the youth in that project will be included in the sheltered PIT count. CoCs must select the HUD: CoC – YHDP funding source options in response to the HUD McKinney-Vento Funded question for each YHDP project. As with other grants, CoCs only report residential projects in the HIC and exclude service only projects like HUD-funded Supportive Services Only (SSO) projects.
HUD also presented on best practices for counting survivors of domestic violence in the PIT count. This presentation relied on the Guidance for Domestic Violence Partners and CoCs on Participating in the PIT Count resource published in 2018. More resources are included in the last slide of the slide deck linked below.
The call ended with an open discussion and question-and-answer session where participants asked questions and shared some of their successes and challenges in implementing their own PIT counts and HICs. A selected chat log from the conversation is included below to capture some of the examples shared during the call.


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