
The misunderstanding that others cause your low mood or grouchiness #mood #stress #toxic #mind

The misunderstanding that others cause your low mood or grouchiness #mood #stress #toxic #mind Our mind tends to find outside stimuli (a co-worker, partner, or family member) to blame for bringing "bring us down" into a bad mood or a negative feeling (fill in the blank). Our mind is doing what it knows how to do to try to figure out why we feel the way we do. What is really happening? It's our mind trying to understanding what is going on outside of us. 99.9999% of the time it's the mind is creating a false story re: something outside of ourselves has the ability to cause us to feel a certain way. Our imperfect supercomputer of a mind does this anyway whether someone around us is grouchy or you are feeling your thoughts surrounding your current negative life situation. All it is is the energy of thoughts moving through us, one thought at a time. It's not real. It's just thought. Underneath thinking is who you really are: well being and love. You are not the sum totality of your imperfect mind's ability to understand and translate the behavior of others and your own negative thinking. So take a step back. Sit with the negative thoughts. Then realize that supercomputer in your mind will self correct naturally like it always has done.


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