
Why Are Muslims Leaving Islam On The Rise? Learn The Reasons | Christian Prince

Why Are Muslims Leaving Islam On The Rise? Learn The Reasons | Christian Prince Christian Prince discusses Islam with an intelligent Muslim who leaves Islam after learning the truth about his own religion.
Isn't it true that the world has changed after the Internet was invented? Real information has been much easier to access nowadays and consequently, more and more people are learning the truth about Islam. The Internet is indeed serving humanity as a beacon of light for those who have been living in the dark.
Two decades ago, the mere thought of people leaving Islam would have created a sense of anger and betrayal in many Muslims, with many questioning whether the apostates leaving Islam had been brainwashed or had become too 'westernized'. Worse still, at this time if a woman made such a comment to her family, there was a strong chance that she would have been physically or mentally forced or coerced into actions to shut her up. There was simply no comprehension at the time that a person born a Muslim would want to reject their faith. 
Two decades later, perceptions have significantly changed. With the presence of intellectual truthers like Christian Prince, the Apostate Prophet, Dr David Wood, Sam Shamoun, Al-Fadi, Dr Jay Smith, Rob Christian and numerous others flooding the Internet, authentic information has been delivered daily for free to benefit listeners on YouTube, which reaches other faith groups, including the Muslim communities. There is in fact, a substantive movement of people who have chosen to leave Islam especially in this century and many others who don't believe or practice the Islamic faith but keep their views to themselves so as not to harm the feelings of their parents. 


Narrated Aisha:
Once the Prophet (ﷺ) was bewitched so that he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact he had not done.

* تفسير Tafsir al-Jalalayn (Quran 75:4)
Yes indeed! We shall assemble them. We are able in addition to assembling them to reshape even his fingers that is to say to restore their bones just as they had been despite their smallness so how much more so are We able to restore the larger ones!

Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Quran 21:81)
(And of everything We are the All-Knower.) He had a mat made of wood on which he would place all the equipment of his kingship; horses, camels, tents and troops, then he would command the wind to carry it, and he would go underneath it and it would carry him aloft, shading him and protecting him from the heat, until it reached wherever he wanted to go in the land.

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Ignorance is the major enemy of mankind, which creates division and violence. Christian Prince is hoping to explain to Muslims that Christians or non-believers should not be considered as an enemy, but they can be friends and live in peace together by rejecting any hateful teachings and accepting the Message of Love.

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How-to:Muslims,Aljazeera,Muhammad,Allah,Muslim,Islamic videos,Islam,Quran,Tafsir,Makkah,Sunnah:al,Muslims:Nouman Ali Khan,The Merciful Servant,Islam:hadith,:Mufti Menk,Hadith,Qadhi,Indonesia Islam,Islamic scholars channel,Islamic lectures,Amazing lecture:Islam,Youtube:prophet Muhammad,Salam,Sunnah,Rasool Allah,David Wood,Deception of Allah,:Christian Prince,Yt:quality=high,Acts17apologetics,:ex-Muslim,Apostate Prophet,Indonesia Muslim,Facebook ads,Google ads,

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