
10 Amazing Websites You Didn't Know Existed! 2019

10 Amazing Websites You Didn't Know Existed! 2019 With so many websites on the internet, we’ll let you know some of the most amazing websites you probably didn’t know existed. The internet is an amazing place to discover new content. In this year’s edition of the Amazing Websites series, I will share with you 10 websites we thought were interesting that you may have never seen before. Some of these are for entertainment purposes only while others might be useful for you in your everyday life.

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“Amazing Websites” Series

0:24 Online Image Editor
1:05 Cost of Living Comparison
1:47 Create Unique Mashups
2:42 Test Your Password Strength
3:21 Automatic Meal Planner
4:15 Bomb Blast Results
4:57 GIF Database
5:26 Ask Questions
6:12 TV Time Calculator
6:38 The Best Fake News
7:05 Bedtime Calculator


Numbeo – Cost of Living


How Secure Is My Password?

Eat This Much

Outrider – Bomb Blast


Is It Normal?

The Onion



10 Free Software That Are Actually Great!

Top 10 Best Netflix Original Series to Watch Now!

How to Safely Use Windows 10 Without Antivirus Software

Top 10 Best Smart Home Tech

10 Hidden Gems on Netflix to Watch Now! (Original Movies)

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TechGumbo is a leading source for the technology that we use each day. Whether it’s discussing computer operating system tricks, the latest tips for your mobile phone, finding out about the newest gadgets, or letting you know about amazing websites on the internet, TechGumbo has boundless topics on technology for the astute YouTube viewer.

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