
8 Officers Of The Law Threaten To Shot My Friend Outside Our Home For Cleaning The Earth

8 Officers Of The Law Threaten To Shot My Friend Outside Our Home For Cleaning The Earth
Disgraceful - Police brutality caught in action - corruption from the United States government - burn babylon
What an awful way to start the day!
This country is fucked up! I want no part of it! I’m leaving this country as soon as I can.

How many 🐷’s does it take to screw in a light bulb?

“It’s likely you got profiled”

Clear Violation of Your 4th amendment right

it occurred 3/1/2019 Friday early in the morning. I was having a beautiful week so I happened to have woken up around 7am & Zayd was scheduled to work that morning picking up garbage around the building. My window was open to let some fresh air flow through - as I’m relaxing I hear some commotion out the window. I take a look - I noticed the officer questioning ~ I’m not sure why. Zayd says to the officer I’m picking up garbage I live here. The officer asks him for his ID for no reason - Zayd kindly gives it to him. The officer did not believe Zayd lives at the building so Zayd said look let me go open the door and prove it to you. As Zayd went to open the door the officer drew his gun - & I suddenly I realized I realized I should be filming this. I started to get very upset 😢 - The Officer started to tell Zayd to put the weapon down. - the bucket and clap he was using to pick up trash. More polices offices were called to the scene- they seemed pretty confused & hostile. Once more people started to notice what the 8 officers where doing - to school was informed they arrived right away and told the officers that Zayd lives on the premise & that he was doing his job. The polices officers slowly realized they didn’t know what they were doing & said “it’s likely you got profiled, we will pick this up another time.”

😢😤😡🤬🤮 the police are soo fucking gross -

Zayd is picking up garage outside of our home and 8 police officers pull up on him with guns threading to shot him telling him to put down the “weapon” {a bucket & garbage claps}

~ people on this planet need to reevaluate there priorities -

* exercising those early morning vocal cords annoyingly yelling - so pissed - I wanted to make sure those 🐷’s heard me

Im well aware I’m yelling and that my voice may be annoying. Get over. I didn’t professionally record this video for anyone. If your ears are having trouble hearing what they are saying simply extract to audio and turn there voice up and my voice down.

This freaks me out! Goodbye America 👋🏾 ~ I had fun while it lasted

Started filming much later from when the interaction happened

kEeP yOuR sHiT tO yOuRsElF

disrespect nature & your limb is bound to fall from the tree 🌍

I don’t care what you have to say. There’s no respect for planet Earth & I can’t be apart of it. Think what you will, do what you will, - keep me out of it.

Disgusting creatures if you don’t have anything constructive to say or do, I owe you nothing. Stop commenting & go change your corruption society!
Officers Put Your Guns Down !
The United States Of America’s police force caught in the act of crime!

Earthlings - this is absolutely soo disgusting look what your tax dollars are paying for.

Theses police officers are soo fucking stupid! How long does it take to figure out that the man lives at the house - he’s picking up garbage & that a bucket and garbage claps are not a weapon.

The man was simply doing his job picking up trash around the house and these officers of the law threaten my friend telling him to put down to the “weapon”- a bucket and garbage claps.

Everyone needs to see how unnecessary and gross this is. I don’t what to know what would of happened if I wasn’t there yelling out the window and filming these gross 🐷’s

It’s truly not that difficult to love in harmony with nature.

I understand people are fucking ignorant but get the fuck over it.

Something Needs to Change !

#rasistcops #racialprofiling #bunbabylon #goingviral

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