Peace be to you all (AsSalama'laikum)! Being an admissions committee member for something as competitive as PA school, is more difficult than pre-PA students can imagine!😰 By the time YOU get to the level of the "interview process ", EVERYONE is a ROCKSTAR! They have established themselves as good students (competitive GPA, decent GRE scores, min. number of direct-patient-contact-hours, health science background, etc.). EVERYONE is vying for the chance to get into a limited number of spots. DON'T be that applicant that BLOWS it at the PA interview! Control the things that you are able to control (appearance, neatness, communication, presentation, etc.)! Here are four applicant who I interviewed many years ago who I did not recommend for PA school. However, two DID get in eventually, and became PAs. I hope this helps some of you pre-PA s, and even new PA grads getting ready to interview for that FIRST PA job!👨🏿⚕️👩⚕️👨🏼⚕️👩🏾⚕️💰😁❤ I have been a PA for almost 20 years and REALLY enjoy it! I hope those of you that are serious about a career in this AMAZING profession benefit from my advice! Please check out some of my other YouTube videos and subscribe if you like! You can reach me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or email I wish you all the VERY best of succes in your positive endeavors. I'll look over your personal statements for your CASPA if you want.