
Royal Uk - Which Royal Family Member Does the Public Like the Most?

Royal Uk -  Which Royal Family Member Does the Public Like the Most? The royal family is pretty big. And because of its size, some family members are bound to be more well-known than others. Perhaps the five most well-known (or most talked-about, rather) family members these days are Queen Elizabeth, Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle. But which of these royals is the most liked? According to a public opinion poll published by YouGov, one is the clear winner. Among these five royals, Meghan Markle is at the bottom of the list in terms of positivity rating. The public only gave her a 55%, which means only a little more than half of the general public likes her. Some people have questioned whether Meghan and Harry got married for the wrong reasons, plus Meghan supposedly caused a feud between her and Kate (nobody is even sure how true that is), both of which may have affected how much the public likes her. However, the poll did note that people find her confident and charming. Kate Middleton is widely regarded as a very good role model. In fact, that’s exactly how people described her in the survey. She’s always polished and professional, yet she isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty when it comes to hunting for spiders with her kids. She has a 64% positivity rating, which is a bit lower than some people probably would have guessed. It’s possible that Kate comes off as too stiff, since she and William take professionalism very seriously. People love Prince William. And that’s a good thing, since he’s going to be the king one day. He earned a 73% overall positivity rating, according to the poll. The public sees him as a genuine, responsible person, which are both important qualities when describing a leader. William definitely takes his role seriously, and he has since he was young. He never had a rebellious phase the way his younger brother did (though we’ve all graciously overlooked any of Prince Harry’s mishaps). Who can dislike Queen Elizabeth? Apparently, not many people. The queen is the most important royal family member, so it goes without saying that she’s very well respected. The queen received a 74% positivity rating from the public. Those who took the poll described her as respected and dignified. It’s hard to have a problem with a woman who is still driving Range Rover and wearing bright pink outfits at 92 years old. The queen is definitely her own person, and it looks like almost everyone is here for it. The most well-liked member of the royal family is Prince Harry. He has an overall positivity rating of 77%, which means less than one quarter of the population has beef with him. That’s pretty crazy for someone in such a high-up role. People see Harry as admirable and fun loving. He definitely went through a phase (lots of partying and the occasional naked photo), but it only shows that he’s human just like the rest of us. He may be married to the least-liked royal out of these five, but Meghan is still new to the family, so she has plenty of time to win over the public.

Which Royal Family Member Does,Public Like,Most,

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