


This is an important message that applies to you, just as much as it applies to me. About 6 years ago, the Lord Jesus called me out of the world. He used dreams, preaching, and other methods to call me out. He talked though my situation when I was lost. What happened was, I came out of the world. I stopped living a life of sin, stopped being worldly, threw out all my rock music CDs, turned off the TV, I stopped going to movies, stopped swearing, lying, fornicating, looking in lust, I took my mind off my evil fantasies, and I dedicated my life to a holy life for Jesus Christ where I was interested in going the way the apostles went, where they said to live a quiet life dedicated to Christ, being exemplary in your behaviour that everyone may see you good deeds, and give God the praise. That is the path I wanted to go. I wanted to separate from this world’s paths, be like John the Baptist, and Jesus, and Apostle Paul and Apostle Peter, and separate from this ungodly, Noah’s day, ungodly generation. I met other people who wanted to do the same for various reasons. Whether true or not true, I don’t know. I did know that when the seed of truth from Jesus lands on people’s hearts, their ground can be different, and it is only the good ground of the good man’s heart who is a doer of the word and is serious about it. He puts it into practice. It is only him who ends up bearing a harvest in the end. So, I knew some people who followed Christ, but didnt know what their hearts were. Only God knows our hearts. For all I knew, the seed landed on good ground. Jesus said that the enemy comes along, and he sees that a ground is shallow, so he snatches away the seed. Jesus also said that the CARES OF LIFE, the lusts of the flesh, and the vain pursuits of life, and the pride of the eyes, these take others and their seed dies and they become unfruitful. I have seen this.

There are those who I once knew who believe that following the way of Paul, Jesus, John the Baptist, Apostle Peter, being serious and separate from this wicked generation, they believe that this is a cult like mentality; it is a doomsday cult, a cult of being a monk or something like that. It is that mentality I want to talk about, because I have seen this in a lot of people, where they realise the truth that the 5 foolish virgins will not enter into the gate. But then, somewhere along the line they become deceived, and start to think that this life is about having a good family, having a good holiday, enjoying your life, and it cannot all be bad. So, they start turning up the rock music, they start turning the TV back on, and they start going along to the movies again, they start swearing again little bit by little bit, they start being friendly with the ways of worldly people and before you know it they have fallen away, yet they don’t think so. They will avidly profess they love Jesus and thank God for all the good things they have. They don’t serve him. It is this Christian profile that I want to explain to you today so that you don’t fall into the same trap. If you are in it, then maybe you will come out, because the way of Jesus Christ is indeed the way of the CULT: being separate from the world. People won’t like you if you don’t want to join in the same sports, watch the same things and listen to the same music as them, and so if you love the world, you will go that way, and want to say that the narrow way is like a cult, because you don’t really love Jesus; you love the world. Jesus said if you love the world, you are not worthy of him. He said you have to deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow him. That is what Apostle Paul did. He was a nomad. That is what John the Baptist did. He lived out in the wilderness in camel skins. He looked a mockery in the generation of that day: a crazy monk out in the wilderness. Yet, that man, he went to God’s throne and received a reward. Apostle Peter, didnt ever have much to his name. He walked around preaching and being serious about Jesus. Philip, he had a wife and children, and brought them up to be Godly, but he wasn’t walking around mixed up in that Roman generation.

We live in the days of Noah: Read the Rest At:


serious warning,for,believers,

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