
Q Serialbrain2 Sessions Played 4D Chess: "Dems Realize Mueller Not Their Asset"

Q Serialbrain2 Sessions Played 4D Chess: Q Serialbrain2 Sessions Played 4D Chess: "Dems Realize Mueller Not Their Asset"

Future proves past: look at how they are attacking AG Barr today. If Sessions hadn't faked his sleep, the Dems would never have snored as they did and Huber could not have quietly done his investigations. Q linked to this article illustrating this reality and said this about Sessions playing 4D chess:

Q1275 Interesting theory. It’s nice when you can work in peace.

The Maestro knew there was no collusion. So? He knew Mueller went into a dead end investigating him but he wanted him to continue his investigations. Why? Because he made the bet that after Mueller discovered there was no collusion, he would pursue all the other side’s crimes he stumbled upon. This work could not have been done by Sessions without him being accused of political bias. This is another reason why Sessions recused and why POTUS met Mueller before appointing him: Q1286 Why did POTUS interview (FBI Dir) Mueller a day prior to SC appointment if impossible to assign position? Why did Sessions recuse?

What do you think they talked about if Muller was not there for the FBI Director position as well explained in Q1285? The Special Counsel was set up on May 17 2017 and, as of March 21 2018, it was composed of 17 attorneys and never had more. Coincidence? Probably…

Now the question is did Mueller pursue the other side’s crimes after he discovered there was no collusion?

Let’s read Barr’s letter to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees on the Mueller Probe and let’s focus on the 8th paragraph. Do you see this “despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign”? This is why Dems lost their sleep. They don’t know how far Mueller went pursuing this breadcrumb trail. If he opened that door, there is no way he could have missed ex MI6 Russia expert Christopher Steele with his fake dossier paid by the Witch and the involvement of his friend Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS. Our excellent Jon Solomon told us here there were pictures taken at the July 2018 Aspen security conference showing Adam Schiff meeting with Glenn Simpson. Do you think Mueller had these pictures? Now you know why Adam Schiff has to see the full report and why he has to see it yesterday.

Dems and their Fake News are devastated. They now realize Bob Mueller was not their asset and are looking back to understand what really happened. They are hoping that seeing Mueller’s full report will give them some clues as to how the Maestro and his secret weapon Sessions played them. Well, let me tell you: it’s not that simple. You thought the name “Maestro” was randomly picked? The Mueller report is just one part of the symphony. If you get his solo score, you‘ll still have to deal with Huber. And when you’ll think your nightmare is over with Huber, another beautiful gift from Sessions will be graciously handed to you:

Q2603 What if there's another prosecutor (outside of DC) assigned by SESSIONS w/ the same mandate/authority? ONE FOR THE HISTORY BOOKS? NOT LONG NOW. Q So Adam. Do you know the real reason why you could not figure out Mueller during the 675 days of his probe? Answer: because LIONS USUALLY HUNT TOGETHER WITH OTHER MEMBERS OF THEIR PRIDE.

Q1222 These people are stupid. We have it all. Q

Alex Jones,Infowars,President,Trump,Trump President,Deep State,George Soros,Fake News Sites,Lock Her Up,

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