
ALEXANDER MERCOURIS provides an excellent analysis on the legal process of the Julian Assange Case

ALEXANDER MERCOURIS provides an excellent analysis on the legal process of the Julian Assange Case An excellent discussion and analysis by ALEXANDER MERCOURIS (editor of the Duran) about the legal process involving Julian Assange's case which he argues is "clearly radically essentially wrong"

#JulianAssange #journalism #FreePress

Julian Assange's Wikileaks Defence Fund:
Chelsea Manning's Defence Fund

#PressFreedom #JulianAssange #Belmarsh

Write to imprisoned Wikileaks publisher #JulianAssange.
Join the mass letter writing campaign to Belmarsh Prison with messages of support

Mr. Julian Assange
DOB: 3/07/1971 HMP Belmarsh
Western Way
London SE28 0EB

Please note there will be restrictions of what you can send so please find out otherwise your letter will not get through. I imagine you will not be able to send photos, books, etc. Best to just stick to a letter and nothing else.

Alexander Mercouris,The Duran,Legal Process,Julian Assange,Assange,Belmarsh,Extradition,Free Press,Chelsea Manning,Freedom of the Press,Press Freedom,Journalism,whistleblowers,

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