
What 3 Things Should NEVER Come Out Of A Christian's Mouth?? OR Typed Out By Their Fingers?

What 3 Things Should NEVER Come Out Of A Christian's Mouth?? OR Typed Out By Their Fingers? I wanted to focus on 3 things the Lord just really emphasized with me..our words are INCREDIBLY important! And this point is made over and over and over in the everything we say AND do, we bear "fruit" we need to ask ourselves, what kind of "fruit" will my words bear..we need to look to love, the same love Jesus Spoke of, and look to the wisdom in God's Word 💜💜💜 these 3 phrases we need to avoid ever saying, plain and simple
1) "Well you have to believe in something"
2) "I will NEVER forgive you" OR "I can't forgive you"
3) "I can't wait until you go to hell" should be our motivation in EVERYTHING we do and say =) God bless

Nihilism is a very interesting subject and really helps make sense of how lost many are in this world..if you have kids, ESPECIALLY teenagers, I would highly recommend watching this might be a little too shocking for some..if you watch it, do it in the privacy of your home, as not to shock any surrounding people or children..personally I think I should do my due diligence on understanding how the enemy is attacking our culture and youth..attacking society in general..and make no mistake, that's exactly what this attack on the morals and decency in this life, and especially the ones passed down within Christianity.."Dayz of Noah" made this short's less than 30mins long and full of some absolute incredible truth..and incredible truth is what we must seek right now =)


I apologize for any issues with
- editing (black screen with no graphics)
- voice hiccups
- if you leave a comment and I don't respond
- no videos over 15mins long

Hopefully I.T. will figure it out soon


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