
“Flames that Cannot Be Extinguished”- Rev. Dr. Dawson B. Taylor, 06/09/2019 9am

“Flames that Cannot Be Extinguished”- Rev. Dr. Dawson B. Taylor, 06/09/2019 9am Pentecost is an important festival in the history and evolution of what we know today as “Christianity”. Many believe that it marks the birthday of the church itself but, regardless, it certainly was a significant shift from power being centered in one, to being centered in those who opened themselves to this new movement of God. As you may recall, Jesus has finally ascended into the heavens and, as promised, the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, is sent to the disciples as they gathered in Jerusalem for the Jewish festival known as Sukkot, which is why the city was filled with Jewish pilgrims. Fifty days after Jesus’ resurrection, to the crowd outside the room in which the disciples are gathered, the Holy Spirit is given as the first fruit of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. The Book of Acts records how the Spirit drove them out into the community and they began to speak in various tongues, languages – and each heard the good news of Christ in their own tongue and many came to believe that day. No longer would there be a need for a High Priest who interceded with God on behalf of the people. God was establishing individual responsibility and establishing individual relationship with the people who would ultimately decide how to use the gift of the Holy Spirit that was being lavished upon them – and upon us this day! The writer to the church in Corinth would remind them of these gifts, and warn them not to see any gift as better than any other, but that all gifts are needed to establish the body of Christ in the world. Today, we acknowledge these gifts. They are wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues, interpretation of tongues, visions, hospitality, prayer, serving, teaching, preaching, generosity, leadership, helps, administration and evangelism. While this is not an exhaustive list, they cover much of what is on offer! These gifts are given to us all and their purpose is to build up, encourage, and comfort the church, the body of Christ. When the Spirit of God is upon us, we preach good news and set people free to achieve their fullest potential in Christ. Let the Holy Spirit bless you today as we worship, and as we welcome home Reverend Dr. Dawson Taylor, former Associate Pastor and now Senior Pastor of Naples UCC. Welcome, Dawson!

Cathedral of Hope,Dallas,Texas,Gay,Lesbian,Bisexual,bi-sexual,transgender,queer,questioning,straight,Ally,Christian,Progressive,Liberal,United Church of Christ,Neil Cazares Thomas,All In,Dawson Taylor,

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