
Ngga Nikah? Boleh kok! - WHY IT MATTERS Eps.2

Ngga Nikah? Boleh kok! - WHY IT MATTERS Eps.2 Kapan nikah? Kok belum juga nikah? Mana calonnya? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu hampir selalu mampir ketika kita bertemu keluarga atau teman. Ranah yang sangat private tapi diumbar dengan pertanyaan terbuka di depan banyak orang. Pada akhirnya kita akan kehilangan muka, basa-basi, atau berbohong.

But the time is up. Now it's time to speak out! Menikah atau ngga menikah, itu urusan pribadi kita. Kita berhak menolak menjawab, atau menjawab diplomatis pertanyaan itu. Kita pun berhak untuk tidak menikah, simply because this is our life that we take control of. So, menikah atau ngga menikah? Boleh kok!
When are you gonna get married? Why haven't you got married? Where is your fiancé? Those questions arise almost every time we gather with families or friends. A private sphere but exposed with a question thrown in front of public. In the end, we'd lose our face, beat around the bush, or lie.

But the time is up. Now it's time to speak up! Getting married or not getting married is our business. We can decline to answer or diplomatically answer it. We can of corse not to get married, simply because this is our life that we take control of. So, married or not married? You can and you may!
#menikah #nggamenikah #marriage #roryasyari #kapannikah #ngganikah #privacy #socialpressure


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