
Copyright 'Small Claims Court' coming to a theater near you?

Copyright 'Small Claims Court' coming to a theater near you?

Yes, you can share our videos on your social media websites. In this video, Attorney Steve® discusses the proposed law for a new copyright small claims court to be located within the copyright office in Washington D.C. The law is coming up for a full vote on the senate floor.

The purpose of the law is to allow copyright rights holders (artists, musicians, photographers, illustrators, videographers and other creative artists) to file for a small claims lawsuit in Washington D.C. and have their claims for infringement heard before a Copyright Claims Board ("CCB").

The maximum you can sue for is 30k, and each party pays their own attorney fees. It is not clear what the appeals process might be.

The CASE act is an alternative to filing a federal copyright infringement lawsuit. The defendant who is served a summons and complaint has 60 days to "opt-out."

If you need help with copyright infringement legal issues, call our law firm at (877) 276-5084 or click on the link above.

To watch our awesome video on tips to win your small claims case click here:

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copyright small claims court,Washington D.C.,library of congress,copyright claims board,30k,15k,damages,fair use defense,512(f),copyright attorney,S 1273,HR 2426,infringement,opt-out,60 days,CASE act,

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