

GOD'S UNIQUE DESIGN for your Life: WHO YOU REALLY ARE? Good vibes fellas!😘

I wanna share with you again another inspiring #WordsofReflection today. Hope that I would instill some positivity in your life.

To start with, I know that you're familiar with Paul in the Bible...
Paul – when he was still an unbeliever and on the road to Damascus – had an encounter with Jesus.
He was driven to fulfill his calling.

It says in Philippians 3:12,
"Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me."

You also have a unique calling. And whatever it is, you need to stop comparing yourself to others. Run in the lane that God called you for.
You are unique! God has not called anyone else to do exactly what you do. Find out who you are and forget about what anybody else thinks. God is not comparing you to another person. You do not have to compete with anyone or be compared to anyone. Just do what He has asked you to do.
Run in your own lane. Do not run in somebody else’s lane.
Determine God’s unique design for your life and run in the lane of that design. That is when you will know satisfaction, blessing, and contentment.

Let us all thank the Father Above for making us unique with our own abilities and strength fellas. Let's all use it to glorify Him.☝❤

Don't forget to Like, Share and Subscribe for more upcoming videos of mine. Kudos fellas!😉



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