
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Question and Answer for Topic of SHOPPING

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Question and Answer for Topic of SHOPPING This video looks at a model answer for the topic of shopping and gives a full language analysis of the answer, giving you band 9 vocabulary and grammar you can use in your own answers.

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Describe an item you bought but have rarely used

You should say:

What it was
Where you bought it
Why you rarely or never use it

and explain how you feel about this purchase now.

A while back, I bought some roller skates because I wanted to get back into shape. I had been rather lazy and inactive and needed to do some exercise.

What’s more, I had seen other people, young and old, skating in the local park, so I was quite envious; envious of their freedom and their energy. I guess I coveted their skates, I think deep down I just wanted to be cool and hip like them.

So, I nipped down to the shops. I browsed a few different sports shops, as you do, trying to educate yourself. I wanted to find out why some skates were so much more expensive than others, and what I needed to look out for when buying roller skates.

I was on a bit of a tight budget, so in the end, I opted for an affordable pair of nice, black skates. Of course, the salesman also twisted my arm and convinced me to buy the protective gear; the helmet and padding.

That was in Autumn, then November came and it was windy and rainy. Then winter set in and it started snowing, and I just didn't go out, I kept putting it off. So the skates sat on the shelf and gathered dust.

I don't feel bad about it. I am sure that one day I will get round to using them. Once the weather perks up!

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