
What Investors Are Looking For In A Startup - Valuer

What Investors Are Looking For In A Startup - Valuer This is only one of Valuer's stories. Read more about us at

Juha Ruohonen is the Founder Partner of Superhero Capital. The company mainly invests in B2B software in FinTech and HealthTech.

Ruohonen says that they get their deal flow from events: half of it is direct and the rest is referred by someone who knows them, which is their main driver.

When talking about accelerators, he told us that in order to show their value, accelerators and startups need something (after graduating from the program) to show that they are better than the ones not going through the program.

He continues by telling us that in the Finnish region it is very hard to find, but occasionally when you see someone who is graduating from TechStars, you can see the difference. Those companies are typically better than the ones that are not going through any programs.

We concluded by asking Ruohonen what three attributes are the most important for an investor looking to help a startup.

Firstly, the most important factor is the team and the people they are investing in.

Secondly, there needs to be a quantifiable problem that they are solving, as most of the startups don't really have a quantifiable problem, so they don't really solve a problem, they just solve something around it.

Lastly, they need to have traction or a way to show that they are going to have a traction.


We are seed investors, investing to B2B softwares,
branching from fintech to healthtech
and geographically from Finland to Baltic we practise.
We get our deals from events like this
obviously, then we get like a
half of it is direct, some of them is inbound ,we
are quite well known, especially here and then
the rest is somehow referred by someone who knows
someone, that's usually how it comes. You need a lot of
people in an event like this and it's so hard to
say whether it's initiated here or because you
were there or accelerator programs. They
should be able to show that there's some bell
time what they do so the company's graduatings
from the program are better than the ones that are
not going through any program and I have to say that
again in the region it's very hard to see. But
occasionally, when you see someone who is
graduated from Techstars there you can see the
difference. These companies are typically better
than the ones that are not going through any programs,
but for us the best deal flow come from
referrals so someone knows someone who knows someone.
That's usually the best. Basically we only
invest in the people that's it and if someone knows
these guys that they are not completely crazy, I mean
entrepreneurs have to be crazy, but not totally
crazy and that they can actually deliver ****
that's you know what counts. Well, in the Valley
they would say people, people, people that's it
here, you said people once of course, the team
matters that's the most important thing. I think
the number two is that they have to have a quantifiable
problem that they're solving. Most of the
startups don't really have a quantifiable problem, so
they don't really solve the real problem they
solve something around it or whatever and then of
course, some kind of traction or at least the
way to show that they're gonna get some traction.
These are really the three key things I think.

Video edited by Emanuele Senatore

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