
Cop Watch Dallas Tx Where Is Our Tax Dollars Going?

Cop Watch Dallas Tx Where Is Our Tax Dollars Going? in this video I decided to do some cop watch because prior the night befor that clash with bao was out being stalked by these cops downtown dallas following him stalking him where the cops was sticking there megaphone out the window saying no loitering. so the following day I went out walked down west end dallas texas where I observed 3 cop cars with no officers in there vehicles 2 running with no officers in there vehicles which I observed the officers just standing across the street congragating not doing anything for a long period of time the bad part of this is they can go around hassling people for doing a lawful activity recording the police but they can stand around across the street congragating leaving there cars running for long periods of time. so who pays for this? we the taxpayers pay for there patrol cars there salary and for there gas for the patrol vehicles so you. can see where our tax dollars are going which they waste because we pick up the tab pay these officers to sit around and shoot the bull waisting our tax dollars. sad but true.


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