
SDA Crisis In Self-Supporting Work. Many Are Converted To Men, Not Christ. Joshua Is The Blueprint

SDA Crisis In Self-Supporting Work. Many Are Converted To Men, Not Christ. Joshua Is The Blueprint It's time to Finish The Work. Let's follow the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy and do it God's way.

Where are the missionaries who should be raised up at the heart of the work? From twenty to fifty should be sent out from Battle Creek every year to carry the truth to those who sit in darkness. But piety is at so low an ebb, the spirit of devotion is so weak, worldliness and selfishness so prevalent, that the moral atmosphere begets a lethargy fatal to missionary zeal. 5T 187.1

There is an urgent demand for laborers in the gospel field. Young men who design to enter the ministry cannot spend a number of years in obtaining an education 5T 27.3

We need a school where those who are just entering the ministry may be taught at least the common branches of education and where they may also learn more perfectly the truths of God's word for this time. In connection with these schools, lectures should be given upon the prophecies. Those who really have good abilities such as God will accept to labor in His vineyard would be very much benefited by only a few months' instruction at such a school 3T 160.2

Young ministers should not be encouraged to preach to the churches. This is not their work. They are to go forth without the camp, taking up the work in places where the truth has not yet been proclaimed. Let them go in the humility and meekness of Christ, obtaining strength from the source of all strength. RH August 19,  1902, par. 3

You can do the most good in new places. Go to a place and there remain until a company is raised up. And then do not leave that company for the wolves to come in and tear to pieces. Visit them often. Look after them as a shepherd would look after his flock. I saw that instead of going round among the large churches where they are well established, you should feel the burden especially of those raised up in new places, little companies situated in dark places. They need to be looked after often. But it has been the case with you that you have neglected and left these little companies to perish. This is wrong. Lt33-1861.3

When men educate others to rely on them and trust in them, when, by pen or voice, they dictate to others as to what they should do, they are teaching others to make flesh their arm, to give glory to human beings rather than to God. 8T 145.2  

The people are encouraged to center in Battle Creek, and they pay their tithe and give their influence to the building up of a modern Jerusalem that is not after God's order. In this work other places are cut off from facilities which they should have. Enlarge ye, spread, yes; but not in one place. Go out and establish centers of influence in places where nothing, or next to nothing, has been done. Break up your consolidated mass; diffuse the saving beams of light, and shed light into the darkened corners of the earth. -  CL 24.1

In the work of the Lord for these last days there should be no Jerusalem centers, no kingly power. And the work in the different countries is not to be tied up by contracts to the work centering in Battle Creek, for this is not God's plan. Brethren are to counsel together, for we are just as much under the control of God in one part of the vineyard as in another.  

Work is to be carried forward in many lines. New territory is to be annexed. But no Jerusalem centers are to be made. If such centers are made, there will be a scattering of the people out of them, by the Lord God of heaven. RH July 16,  1914, par. 5


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Pastor David House
(757) 955-6871

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