
Instacart Takes Away Quality Bonus!!!! Shoppers' Reaction

Instacart Takes Away Quality Bonus!!!! Shoppers' Reaction THIS IS TYPICAL BULLSHIT BY INSTACART TO TAKE AWAY MORE PAY!

So basically you are de-incentivizing those of us THAT DO provide excellent service? Many shoppers strive VERY HARD to provide “high quality customer service” and you are removing the bonus that is hard-earned and deserved for those of us that DO provide the quality of service you want? This is completely illogical. Why would you penalize those who are providing the level of service you want and expect? What is going to be put in place to incentive “quality customer service”? This is simply one more reason to accept fewer batches for those of us that are your very top-ranked shoppers.

#lowpaynoway #instacart #gigeconomy #appbasedgigs #rideshare #instacartshopper #sidehustle #strike #workersstrike #payup #instacartboycott

Instacart Email:

Over the last several years, we’ve experimented with numerous versions of the quality bonus, in addition to other boosts and incentives.

During the last year, we offered a new version of the quality bonus and found that it did not meaningfully improve quality. As a result, we will no longer be offering the quality bonus beginning next week. We value the quality of service shoppers provide and will continue exploring ways to recognize shoppers who deliver a high-quality experience for customers.

It’s important to note this change will not impact the earnings structure and minimums we committed to earlier this year. As always, customer tips remain separate from and in addition to payment from Instacart, going directly to you to recognize a great customer experience.

We are grateful for the shopper community, and thank you as always for your dedication as an Instacart shopper.

Instacart Shoppers,Instacart Boycott,Side Hustle,Instacart,PayUp,Quality Bonus GONE,Low Tips,Strike,No Tips,App Based Gigs,

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