
Why Most Parasite Patients Relapse After Taking Drugs

Why Most Parasite Patients Relapse After Taking Drugs Learn the exact anti-candida protocol I've successfully used on over 60,000 patients at my New Zealand Clinic & via Skype (wipes out all yeast, bad bacteria & parasites & keeps them from coming back). Click below to get my free "Candida Crusher Shopping List" PDF & start your final journey to recovery:

Hi, it's Eric Bakker, New Zealand, Naturopath. Thanks for coming back. We're going to talk about parasites today, a topic that I'm quite versed with because I've been working now with parasites and with patients, as you know now, for a long, long time. And particularly practical skills. I've worked out things that work, things that don't work in the clinic, and also some crappy nonsense that I'm going to provide you with today and explain to you what the real facts are regarding parasites, and how you probably can get rid of them if you really want to get rid of them. But you're digging a big hole by thinking you can get rid of parasites purely by pharmaceutical means. In most cases it's not going to be sufficient. It's not going to be powerful enough. And the unfortunate thing is, in the process of trying to get rid of the parasite, many people end up trashing their gut so bad, so horrifically bad, that they get rid of the parasite partially. And in the meanwhile they've really trashed their gut in a bad way.

So what happens? Bad bacteria starts setting up camp, bacteria that have always been there a long time, and these are usually good, they're well behaved. We're talking bacteria like klebsiella, pseudomonas, citrobacter, bacteria like that, for example, which I see time and again in stool tests along with parasites. Now, how would that happen? Well, generally the patient had a parasite problem, went to a doctor, might have had a simple stool test done or whatever, and was given a parasite drug. And there are many different classes of parasitic drugs that you can go on. But the problem is, a big hit will occur, the parasite will either be taken out, or in most cases only partially taken out.

And meanwhile a lot of destruction occurs to the microbiome. And then, of course, you're going to leave a void or a vacuum. So you're going to get some bacteria that are there setting up shop which shouldn't really be setting up shop. They're going to create biofilms. You're going to end up with SIBO and many other types of problems. And often behavioral changes occur. Craving changes occur because you're messing up the gut. Also you're messing up the ability for the hormones in the gut to properly communicate with the brain. Sugar cravings occur. And before you know it, kapow, you've got a candida problem on top of the bacteria and the parasite that you desperately wanted to get rid of.

So what I'm trying to explain to you is, I've seen hundreds and hundreds of patients who've had parasite treatment through the doctor and have actually ended up worse, in a worse condition than before they went to the doctor, because they seriously reduced their body's beneficial count. They created a big problem, as I mentioned, with commensal bacteria that popped up that shouldn't have popped up. And lo and behold, they still may well have blastocystis or other parasites that they were trying to get rid of.

So what do people often do? They go to iHerb or they go to online stores and they buy things like clove extract or neem, or they might try some pumpkin seeds or just a quick home cure for a few weeks. And oftentimes it won't even touch the size of the parasite problem. And then they start having continual problems and loose motions and all these sort of issues. And they go back to the doctor, more drugs, and often antibiotics at this stage. And then, of course, the patient's digging an even bigger hole. It's almost like the doctor gives them a longer shovel to keep digging the hole down further.

Take it from me, folks. Drugs are not the way to get the gut in good shape. In time, well in the future, drugs will never be used to get the gut in order. What will be used will be medicines and foods that bring the balance of the gut back.


So I really recommend you work with a doctor similar to me, but I'm not working now as a clinician any more, just as an educator. So I fully recommend you work with a clinician that understands comprehensive stool analysis and will take you through that process of treating you, regularly testing, keeping your eye on the notes, and then treating you again. And keep working down that path until you've completely cleared that gut from all these pathogens and brought the balance back. That's been the secret to my success now for many years, and it's why I love doing the work I do, because I've seen outstanding results in so many patients who follow this simple process. And you can do it too. Thanks for tuning in. Be sure to catch me in the next video, I'll be talking more about parasites. Thank you.

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