
How Leo DiCaprio perpetuates disinformation to exploit me for his associates' illegal monetary gain.

How Leo DiCaprio perpetuates disinformation to exploit me for his associates' illegal monetary gain. Leo also illegally financially benefits from everything he's done. Neither he nor his any of associates have an agreement with me.

If you're going to refer to me, please use my name, either Gidget Castrillon or Veronica Castrillon, because I've never consented to being represented by another person or name, male or female, animate or inanimate object, country or city, animal, product, or name brand, animals, or anything which has been used, and is recognizable by readers or followers, to represent me, or to having my biographical information or likeness used for any projects or for the publicity of any projects, either political, entertainment, endorsements, religious, news, causes, charity, for-profit or non-profit. I haven’t used any written, numeric, visual or grammatical codes, references or allusions in this comment or any comment I write or ‘likes’ on the internet. I've never used any form of visual, written, verbal or numeric code, references or allusions to speak or write about the violations of my Constitutional rights. I'm also not using any form of visual, numeric, written or spoken code, references or allusions when I talk about anything aside from the violations of my Constitutional rights.

Whatever apartment, hotel or inn I stay in, publicly or privately owned, has never had my consent to film or audio tape me or share any information about me with any third parties, including delivery orders, conversations, personal identifying information, and anything else I do or say while in the common areas, or outside of the apartment, hotel or inn. Any establishment I order from, privately or publicly owned, has never been given my consent to share any of my information or orders with any third parties. Any private information, including but not limited to emails, text messages, or activity on my cell phones, computers or personal social media accounts shared with any third party or released by any third party has done so without my consent and is legally actionable. Any social media accounts claiming or implying they have been given my approval or legal consent to in any way represent me by posting photos of my likeness or photos which are a simulacrum of me or that their readers or followers recognize to be a simulacrum of photos of me or of my personal photos is doing so without my consent, and their implications that they have my approval or consent is the legal definition of malice and libel, both legally actionable.

Words, numbers, fonts, font size, filters, colors or hues, punctuation, writing style or choices, times, grammatical errors, double spacing, dates, personal belongings in my hotel room, photos, typos, hair styles, make-up, clothes, delivery orders, poems and anything else that has been used as code by people involved in the violations of my Constitutional rights don’t alter the factual information of what I’ve said and written about those violations. Any claim or suggestion that I have written or spoken in any form of code or coded language is fraudulent. Any claim or implications that I've spoken, written in code or any form of coded language, or consented to its use in relation to anything having to do with me is the legal definition of malice, slander and libel: statements or implications made by a person or persons who know those statements or implications to be false.

Stop using visual, written, verbal and numeric codes, references and allusions to speak or write about me or to imply and disinform your followers or readers that I’ve been a willing participant in the violations of my Constitutional rights, a reality I’ve been forced to endure, along with daily sexual violation and exploitation, financial abuse, isolation and a multitude of other traumatic abuses. By continuing, you’re endorsing and participating in the aiding and abetting of crimes, which is legally actionable.

Interpreting or translating my statements without my knowledge or consent is equivalent to claiming I've lied about the various traumatic abuses and violations of my Constitutional rights I've been forced to endure every day for years. You’re choosing to endorse those abuses and violations while also participating in the aiding and abetting of crimes, which is legally actionable. Any and all persons or companies using anything I've photos or anything I’ve said or written on the internet, my Livestream or YouTube videos, other social media or any of my writing to create fraudulent explanations, translations or interpretations about the violations of my Constitutional rights, or any other use, has done so without my consent. My writing includes poems, essays, annotations, journal entries, emails, letters, text messages, social media posts and comments on the internet. The factual information I've spoken or written about was to make the public aware of the multitude of abuses and violations I've had to endure.


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